Building Relationships, Improving Health
Mason's Bioengineering Department is training the next generation of pioneers in medical research and technology. You can make a difference by backing our research, helping us build and equip advanced laboratories, and funding student scholarships.
Bioengineering graduates' work will have an impact on the health of people in the United States and around the world. You can make a difference by:
Supporting game-changing research projects that will deliver new solutions for unmet medical needs.
Building new labs in the Peterson Family Health Sciences Hall.
Equipping new instructional labs.
Funding scholarships and financial aid to students in need.
Supporting student travel to conferences.
Offering students opportunities outside the classroom.
Opportunities to Give
The Bioengineering Department at Mason is seeking funding for capital projects in our laboratories that will enhance our research. Donors who partner with us can choose an endowment gift, which provides perpetual support, or current-use funding, which makes an impact now.
Peterson Family Health Sciences Hall enhancements
In 2017, the Bioengineering Department moved many offices and labs to the 165,000-square-foot Peterson Family Health Sciences Hall. Help us enhance these labs and spaces by donating to the department. Gifts of any amount can be earmarked for the department building fund.
We have several naming opportunities for donors who want to make a bigger impact and help our faculty and students.
Design/Instructional Wing Peterson Hall, 5th floor: $1,000,000
Research Wing Peterson Hall, 3rd or 4th floor: $1,000,000
Biomedical Engineering Design Laboratory, Peterson Hall, room 5000: $500,000
Bioinstrumentation Instructional Laboratory, Peterson Hall, room 5000E: $250,000
3D Printing Space Peterson Hall, room 5000A: $50,000
Mechanical Testing Space, Peterson Hall, $25,000
Peterson Hall, room 5000B: $100,000
Manufacturing Space, Peterson Hall, room 5000C: $25,000
Bio-experimental Space Peterson Hall, room 5000D: $25,000
Contact Kira Woitek to explore all our giving opportunities and plan gifts in ways that achieve our shared goals.

Alex Nixon, BS Bioengineering '16, received the first Katona Scholarship for Excellence in Bioengineering in 2015. The scholarship, named after Professor Peter Katona, is available to rising seniors with a declared major and open to bioengineering students pursuing any concentration within the degree program.
Katona Scholarship
Rising seniors in bioengineering who demonstrate strong academic performance, professional leadership, and exceptional promise for a successful bioengineering career can apply for the Katona Scholarship for Excellence in Bioengineering. Donors established this fund in 2012 as a tribute to Dr. Peter Katona’s pioneering work in bioengineering. Additional donations will increase the frequency of the award. Contact Kira Woitek to make a donation.
"It fascinated me that the work that I did as an undergraduate could be used as a medical test in the future. One of the biggest things I've learned, and one of the things my mentor constantly reminds me about, is research is not a 9-5 job."